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Knowledge, not information. Evoke, not instruct
5 June 2023 . 6min read

If they were to look at the statistical likelihood of getting trashed by a nasty animal, then they wouldn't have taken a step out of that cave. But they did.

Under my creative terms
14 May 2023 . 3min read

I flipped a coin, ignored it, and did things under my terms. Creative freedom is has two parts, creative and freedom. The latter often takes a little more effort.

Overpriced ice-cream and a gin & tonic
14 July 2020 . 4min read

Lots of words have fallen out of my brain, and onto the keyboard...

Weapon & Identity power
7 July 2020 . 4min read

A lack of something and a photograph came to my creative rescue. We often think of a context in conjunction with something else. It can, though, be a force all on its own.

The sneaky duality trap
30 June 2020 . 4min read

It started innocently enough, a piece of paper here, a pencil there, some vintage photography in-between. I didn't see the duality trap until the last minute...

Old maps and pencils will improve your world
23 June 2020 . 4min read

I was in a musing and wondering mood this week. I got thinking about maps, then remembered something about an 18th century map and iron chains. Before I knew what was happening, I was onto pencils and the world was a better place.

It's all about amount and location
16 June 2020 . 5min read

The amount of effort you put into something can both vary in amount and also in where it is located. You are just going to have to read this to find out what I am talking about.

Your self-representation
9 June 2020 . 3min read

Words are spoken, written, and generally banded about everywhere. I think they hold a greater meaning & power. They are not only important; they are the cornerstone of our self-representation and definition.

Latch and follow is less than ideal
2 June 2020 . 3min read

Beige rectangles surround us, which isn't at all healthy.

It's all about boats and twigs
26 May 2020 . 3min read

It all started with the weather...

The untold buttery war
19 May 2020 . 5min read

Creativity is a mysterious thing. Sometimes it just appears, other times it needs a gentle nudge. Occasionally it needs to be completely derailed into the grasslands of a historic story.

Perspective is more than you think
12 May 2020 . 4min read

This all started with a pebble in the garden, the completion of a 21 movie story arc, and the memory of a 90's sci-fi show.

It's not about the doing
5 May 2020 . 3min read

Perhaps my mind meanders more than most; I used to worry about it, but now I've now just come to accept it. Sometimes it is noticing that the blade of grass in your hand is a colour of green that you haven't seen before.

I am just leasing these words from the language
28 April 2020 . 4min read

I love words, even if they sometimes have another view of me.

Joining the dots from A to unknown
21 April 2020 . 4min read

I love the idea of doing things with things that the original designer of the thing had no idea what other thing you were going to do with the thing is.

Self-regulated joy
14 April 2020 . 4min read

There is something uniquely engaging about grand blockbuster movies. They can be great transportation devices, greatly disappointing, or predictably boring. There are, though, other wonderful alternatives.

It's not the thing, it's the control of the thing
7 April 2020 . 5min read

We all strive to find that balance. The balance that makes us feel comfortable inside. Each of us is different, so it is different for each of us. This is what I've found out about myself.

Perspective is everything
31 March 2020 . 5min read

I knew how I wanted this piece to end. I just had to work out how to get there.

The long game
24 March 2020 . 6min read

I asked some of you folk, for some words to hide in here. The first suggestion was "pineapple". That was far too easy, so I decided to put it front and centre. I felt like writing something fun, so I did.

Create with abandonment, not with measurement
17 March 2020 . 5min read

It seemed to just appear to me as I walked past a random tree. Trees are curiously magical things, don't you think? They can both fix the planet & also be the muse of a creative work.

It's all specifically Sketchy
10 March 2020 . 6min read

It's not about remembering the specific details, it is about experiencing it. We all get tied up in the pure specifics of it all, without taking a moment to wonder at the feeling of it.

Have you ever wondered what it was like...
3 March 2020 . 5min read

So, I got to thinking, and this is the result of that...

All the stuff in between
25 February 2020 . 3min read

We spend a lot of time thinking about stuff, but sometimes I don't want to.

I really don't...
18 February 2020 . 4min read

I have nothing to say, and I have to confess that I have no idea what I'm doing? Does that sounds like you too? Anyway, we're just going to glide on by and see what happens.

World-sized problems, need reckless folk
11 February 2020 . 4min read

Not a preoccupation with finishing things.

Its omnipresence is a lesson for us all
4 February 2020 . 4min read

The other day I had a full English Breakfast.

Our predisposition with binary boxes will destroy us
28 January 2020 . 5min read

The other day, I walked into a dark room. I fumbled for the light switch, and then it wasn't.

A meander through cheese, pickled onions & electronic glass
21 January 2020 . 6min read

My first foray into the world of pickled onions was, I am told, when I was 2 years old.

The Music transportation, that we all need
14 January 2020 . 4min read

43,000 years ago, creating music was a non-trivial task. Today, we are in danger of losing something.

You need to find your creative place
7 January 2020 . 4min read

There is a cliche that a Creative Place needs to be in some kind of idyllic location. It needs to be like a Muse dressed in white, playing a flute.

We have the wrong type of time...
31 December 2019 . 4min read

Actually, this is about me, this is all about me, but I understand I need you to make it all about me... so... coughs

An aspiration of Noise Disappearance?
24 December 2019 . 4min read

The music was metaphorically and actually, noise.

The existence of the semi-colon is proof that "Good Enough" just isn't.
17 December 2019 . 3min read

In 1494 Italian printer Aldus Manutius created the semicolon; you don't have to use it all.

We need to talk about pies
19 December 2019 . 4min read

I have a complicated relationship with Pie. I'm sure some of you also have a similar problem too; they are invisible.

Driving an old car will help you fight fake-news
3 December 2019 . 5min read

The other day, whilst driving, a new light appeared. It was the doom-ladened Yellow-Triangle. I ignored it, on the basis that it was only yellow and not red.

Stop the doom, by talking more & shouting less...
27 November 2019 . 4min read

Debating skills appear to be shockingly scarce in present times. Something more sinister has replaced them.


Profile photo of Nigel Derbyshire

I'm a carbon-unit who writes; a Carbon Writer. Life & culture are my default topics, mixed with a little English wit & sarcasm. Full of mostly true stories, I occasionally remember to write them down. Found in a crowd, or contemplating in a corner. Habit of talking to anyone. Author.
- Nigel Derbyshire